So there was this story this morning that New Zealanders had the highest rate of bloggers in a recent survey of internet use across 15 countries. Apparently one in thirteen New Zealanders has a blog.
I imagine that this will be discussed on Public Address today because they got a soundbite (textbite?) from Russell Brown: "the ability to hide your identity on the internet meant people could share information they might not share in person".
So the 1/13 stat is pretty cool (although I wonder if it's inflated by people like me who have more than one blog), but the really interesting stats is the percentage of New Zealand web-users who have a blog by ethnicity:
- Asian 31%
- Pasifika 12%
- Pakeha 6%
- Maori 2%
Other info from the study: of the 78 percent of New Zealanders who use the internet:
- 66 percent have broadband.
- 77 percent check their email every day.
- 28 percent use social networking sites such as MySpace and Facebook.
- 25 percent have made a friend online, and half of those have gone on to meet an online friend in person.
- 13 percent maintain their own website.
- 10 percent have a blog.